Estate Plan vs
Wealth Transfer Plan

Your handy guide to contribution limits, tax rates and government pension benefits.

Estate Plan

A green clock icon on a white background.


Starts when you've passed on

Your assets are distributed by an executor when you’re no longer around. Often, your beneficiaries are not included in estate-planning discussions – meaning there’s no opportunity to adjust the plan based on their wishes. May cause friction within families if not handled well.

Starts while you're alive

The transfer of your wealth begins while you’re still around. You get to include your beneficiaries in a conversation on their inheritance – including them in the planning and implementation process. On-going dialogue allows you to smooth out unnecessary conflict.

A line drawing of a pair of scales on a white background.


You, the donor, are the highest priority

You don’t see the benefits your transferred assets provide your beneficiaries – and you may not take advantage of potential tax-saving options if you’d acted earlier.

Your beneficiaries are the highest priority

You enjoy the opportunity of seeing the impact of your legacy in action. With a focus good cashflow planning for your own lifestyle needs – you can decide why and how you want to influence or help your next generation and beloved causes while you’re still alive – and take advantage of potential tax benefits.

A mountain with a flag on top of it.


The distribution of your assets is driven by the executional efficiencies of tax and estate laws.

Focused on your intent and your money values – and how to ensure they’re transferred to your beneficiaries along with your assets.

A green icon of a target with a arrow in the center.


The donor retains control over all wealth and assets – just in case they need it down the road.

Designed to be implemented over time and intentionally transition wealth or assets to your next generation, so you can nurture and prepare them to inherit well and steward your legacy – avoiding the need to manage a sudden transition.

A Wealth Transfer Plan is bigger than your Will, because your life is more than just your closing credits. 

We can work with you to engage personalize your Wealth Transfer Plan and to help you engage your heirs in a conversation about your intent for your legacy.

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