IPC Investment Corporation

IPC Investment Corporation has procedures in place to handle any written or verbal complaint received in a fair and prompt manner. This is a summary of those procedures, which we provide to new clients, clients who have filed a complaint and that we also make available on our website at

IPC Investment Corporation's ("IPCIC") Policy is to request that all complaints be filed in writing. There may be instances where IPCIC receives a verbal complaint from a client which will warrant the same treatment as a written complaint. However, unless it is totally impractical or there are other compelling reasons not to, clients will normally be advised that we will require their complaint in writing before we can proceed any further. For confidentiality reasons, we will only deal with the client or another individual who has the client’s express written authorization to deal with us.

How to Contact the Compliance Department:

Your concern and supporting documents which will be of assistance to us in reviewing your concerns can be submitted by the following methods:

By Mail to:

IPC Investment Corporation

Attn: Compliance Department - Complaint Resolution

5015 Spectrum Way, Suite 200

Mississauga, ON L4W 0E4

By Fax to:

Attn: Compliance Department - Complaint Resolution

Our fax number is: 905-212-9799

By Email to:

[email protected]

We acknowledge complaints promptly, generally within 5 business days. Within the acknowledgement, you will be provided the name and contact information of the Complaints & Investigations Officer responsible for handling the complaint as well as a copy of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association (MFDA) Client Complaint Information form.

Assessing the Complaint:

The Complaints & Investigations Officer will conduct a factual investigation and analysis of the matters specific to the complaint. In order to accomplish this, we will gather information including a written response from your Representative addressing the issues raised in the complaint, copies of documentation completed and any other documentation which may be available (notes, e-mails). The Complaints & Investigations Officer will review all documentation as well as the comments of both the client and representative to assess the merits of the complaint. Additional analysis may be necessary, dependant on the nature of the complaint.


Once the investigation has been completed, a written summary of the investigation which addresses your concerns will be prepared and forwarded you within 90 calendar days. In the event that additional time is required, you will be notified in writing and provided with both an explanation as to why our response has been delayed along with our best estimate of the time required for completion of our response. If you are dissatisfied with our examination of your complaint or the outcome of the examination, you may respond to our letter indicating the issues which you feel were not addressed. We will respond to communications you send us after our response to the extent necessary to implement a resolution or to address any new issues or information you provide. You may also refer to the MFDA Client Complaint Information form which will be included with the response. This form provides guidance regarding the options available to you should you wish to pursue the matter further and includes guidance on the statutes of limitations.


As mutual fund values are not guaranteed, IPCIC cannot assist clients who have experienced losses due to market fluctuations within suitable investments. Our policy is to review the suitability of the investments in comparison to the clients stated risk tolerance and investment objectives.

IPC Securities Corporation

Best Execution Policy Disclosure Statement – IPC Securities Corporation has an agreement with National Bank Financial Inc to ensure that all reasonable efforts are made for clients to achieve Best Execution of their orders in respect to all securities. Click here

Complaint Resolution

IPC Securities Corporation has procedures in place to handle any written or verbal complaint received in a fair and prompt manner. This is a summary of those procedures, which we provide to new clients, clients who have filed a complaint and that we also make available on our website at

IPC Securities Corporation’s (“IPCSC”) Policy is to request that all complaints be filed in writing. There may be instances where IPCSC receives a verbal complaint from a client which will warrant the same treatment as a written complaint. However, unless it is totally impractical or there are other compelling reasons not to, clients will normally be advised that we will require their complaint in writing before we can proceed any further. For confidentiality reasons, we will only deal with the client or another individual who has the client’s express written authorization to deal with us. IPCSC has appointed its Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) as its Designated Complaints Officer.

How to Contact the Designated Complaints Officer:

Your concern and supporting documents which will be of assistance to us in reviewing your concerns can be submitted by the following methods:

By Mail to:

IPC Securities Corporation

Attn: Compliance Department – Designated Complaints Officer

5015 Spectrum Way, Suite 200

Mississauga, ON L4W 0E4

By Fax to:

Attn: Compliance Department – Designated Complaints Officer

Our fax number is: (905) 212-9167

By Email to:

[email protected]

We acknowledge complaints promptly, within 5 business days. Within the acknowledgement, you will be provided the name and contact information of the Complaints & Investigations Officer responsible for handling the complaint as well as a copy of An Investor’s Guide to Making a Complaint. 

Assessing the Complaint:

The Complaints & Investigations Officer will conduct a factual investigation and analysis of the matters specific to the complaint. In order to accomplish this, we will gather information including a written response from your Advisor addressing the issues raised in the complaint, copies of documentation completed and any other documentation which may be available (notes, e-mails). The Complaints & Investigations Officer will review all documentation as well as the comments of both the client and Advisor to assess the merits of the complaint. Additional analysis may be necessary, dependent on the nature of the complaint. 


Once the investigation has been completed, a written summary of the investigation which addresses your concerns will be prepared and forwarded you within 90 calendar days. In the event that additional time is required, you will be notified in writing and provided with both an explanation as to why our response has been delayed along with our best estimate of the time required for completion of our response. 

If you are dissatisfied with our examination of your complaint or the outcome of the examination, you may respond to our letter indicating the issues which you feel were not addressed. We will respond to communications you send us after our response to the extent necessary to implement a resolution or to address any new issues or information you provide. You may also refer to the Investor’s Guide to Making a Complaint brochure which will be included with the response. This brochure provides guidance regarding the options available to you should you wish to pursue the matter further and includes guidance on the statutes of limitations. 


IPCSC cannot assist clients who have experienced losses due to market fluctuations within suitable investments. Our policy is to review the suitability of the investments in comparison to the clients stated risk tolerance and investment objectives.

IPC Estate Services

Any client who submits a complaint to IPC Estate Services Inc. (“IPCES”) will be treated with respect and dignity and their complaint will be dealt with in good faith. As a general recommendation, we advise clients who have concerns regarding their accounts to contact their Representative to determine if their concern can be easily addressed. If you have a concern which you believe has not been adequately addressed by your Representative or your concern is regarding your Representative or your Representative has been unable to resolve your complaint satisfactorily, you can contact the Compliance Department at IPC Estate Services Inc.

IPCES Policy is to request that all complaints be filed in writing. There may be instances where IPCES receives a verbal complaint from a client which will warrant the same treatment as a written complaint. However, unless it is totally impractical or there are other compelling reasons not to, clients will normally be advised that we will require their complaint in writing before we can proceed any further.

How to Contact the Compliance Department:

Your concern and supporting documents which will be of assistance to us in reviewing your concerns can be submitted by the following methods:

By Mail to:

IPC Estate Services Inc.

Attn: Compliance Department - Complaint Resolution

5015 Spectrum Way, Suite 200

Mississauga, ON L4W 0E4

By Fax to:

Attn: Compliance Department - Complaint Resolution

Our fax number is: (905) 212-9167

By Email to:

[email protected]

In accordance with our Complaint Handling Policy, the Compliance Department will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 business days. Within the acknowledgement, you will be provided the name and contact information of the Compliance Officer responsible for handling the complaint as well as a copy of the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) Complaint Summary form.

Assessing the Complaint:

The Compliance Department will conduct a factual investigation and analysis of the matters specific to the complaint. In order to accomplish this, we will gather information including a written response from your Representative addressing the issues raised in the complaint, copies of documentation completed and any other documentation which may be available (notes, e-mails). A Compliance Officer will review all documentation as well as the comments of both the client and representative to assess the merits of the complaint. Additional analysis may be necessary, dependant on the nature of the complaint.


Once the investigation has been completed, a written summary of the investigation which addresses the clients concerns will be prepared and forwarded to the client. Generally this will be completed within 4-6 weeks. In the event that additional time is required, you will be notified in writing.

If you are dissatisfied with our examination of your complaint or the outcome of the examination, you may respond to our letter indicating the issues which you feel were not addressed.

The normal avenues available to you as a client, following the steps noted below are as follows:

  1. Address your concerns with your Insurance Advisor.
  2. If required contact IPC Estate Services Inc. compliance department as noted above.
  3. Contact the Insurance Carrier that issued your policy if you have questions regarding your insurance contract. The contact information should be noted on your contract.
  4. Contact the Insurance ombudsman who works for the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) or similar provincial regulator depending upon your province of residence to review your concerns.


Our policy is to review the sales process of the insurance contract that was sold to you by your Insurance Advisor. The Insurance Carrier that issued your policy will also review the sales process of your advisor and the information supplied by you to allow them to underwrite your insurance contract.

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